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29 de novembro de 2010 — por

Mais um assassinato do Mossad em fronteiras estrangeiras. Direitos Humanos condena o ataque

Mais um assassinato do Mossad em fronteiras estrangeiras. Direitos Humanos condena ataque

Read on leia em: BBC

Tehran-based human rights group decries terror attacks on academics
from:  Tehran, Nov 29 |  IRNA

Tehran-based Organization for Defending Victims of Violence on Monday strongly condemned the terror attacks against innocent citizens, the academics of the country, as blatant example of human rights violations.

The ODVV, campaigns against terrorism, violence and assassinations in society.

It said in a statement that terrorism and violence have jeopardized the fundamental rights which is the right to live in a world full of peace and justice.

‘While the international community and human rights organizations all over the world are propagating the international campaign against terrorism, the people of Iran in the aftermath of eight-year US-backed war on Iran in 1980-1988 and in the three decades since victory of the the Islamic Revolution have fallen victim to blind terrorism by hidden powers.

‘Their aim in conducting these brutal acts is to disrupt the scientific and technological advancements of our country. Several times the university and scientific community has been targeted by acts of terror.

‘As an active civil institution in Iran, with slogan of peace and human rights, the ODVV while condemning these despicable and horrific acts, expresses its deepest condolences to the families of the university lecturers and victims of these terror acts, and calls upon the international community and responsible authorities to punish the perpetrators of these crimes,’ the statement said.

Islamic Republic News Agency/IRNA NewsCode: 30098583



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Este blog existe para a discussão aberta, buscando reunir pontos de vista diferentes e não

O comunicador e ativista político, Nazen Carneiro, formado em Relações Públicas pela Universidade Federal do Paraná, foi correspondente internacional temporário de “Gazeta do Povo” em Teerã, no Irã. Já fez reportagens do Irã, Romênia, Turquia e Grécia, escrevendo sobre a relação do Oriente Médio com o mundo.

Tendo passado pelo Rádio, atua também como ativista cultural e produtor independente do evento mundial pela paz, Earthdance.

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Anti-Semitic, Islamophobic or anti-Arab comments or placing a people or religion as superior not be published. Nor attacks between readers or against the blogger. People who insist on personal attacks will no longer have your comments published. You may not post video. All posts must be related to some of the above topics. This blog exists for open discussions with educated manners, trying to gather different points of view, not to have final answers.

The communicator and political activist, Nazen Carneiro, graduated in Public Relations in the Federal University of Paraná,
temporary international correspondent to the newspaper  “Gazeta do Povo” in Tehran, Iran in 2009. Reported from Iran, Romania, Turkey and Greece, writing about relations with the Middle Eastern world.

Previously worked on Radio, event producer and cultural activist. Executive producer for the  global event for peace, Earthdance, in Curitiba.

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